
Alan Keyes Arrested at Notre Dame with Radical Anti-Abortion Activists

zelnaga5/16/2009 8:02:50 am PDT

re: #391 nyc redneck

he was discussing a human life, his own grandchild and described it as a PUNISHMENT, if it was born at an inconvenient time.
there is no way to spin that as acceptable. the issues you have cited to describe
any hard ships or inconvenience involved in raising the child have nothing to do w/ this calloused statement from o, that is basically a window to his soul.
he is a stone cold narcissist.
his words are a window to his soul. he is a total narcissist.

Seems to me you’re being just as much a narcissist to say someone who’s gotten pregnant at an inconvenient time has been blessed.

Giving up a child for adoption is probably just as painful for those who have to do it as having your home foreclosed if not more so. Having to drop out of college and give up on your hopes and your dreams so you can get a job to support your kid… sign me up! Postpartum depression? Who wants to feel good about themselves, anyway?

If some pregnant person views their pregnancy as a punishment, who are you to tell them otherwise? And if someone pregnant person view their pregnancy as a blessing, again, who are you to tell them otherwise?

Pregnancy is ultimately a deeply personal matter and imho it’s inappropriate for anyone to attempt to butt in.