
Video: Page 23

Killgore Trout10/06/2011 6:55:19 pm PDT

re: #59 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

For what it’s worth.

KT? Folks have been giving you shit about your lack of support for the OWS.

You were the first person who started pointing out the same nutty “Fringie” aspect of the TeaParty. Not just here. The first person I saw mention it anywhere.

I appreciate your objectivity. You may have saved me from being a TeaPartier. Had I been on the inside looking out, I may not have noticed the overall shittiness of it.

Thank you.

You’re welcome.
I’ll admit that I don’t have the same zeal for the OWS protests. I try to remain objective and apply the same standard as we had with the Eurofascists in the counter Jihad movement, Birchers in the Tea Party, and Marxists in the OWS protests but I realize I’m running out of rope on this one. The American public is easily duped by partisan radicals. I don;t think the OWS protests will last past the first bad weather but I’m coming to realize I’m pissing against the wind. Partisans will continue to embrace and mainstream the radicals on their side as long as they make the right noises and use the correct catch phrases to stimulate the appropriate instincts. I’m just not optimistic anymore that common sense will prevail. We get the society we deserve and this is it.