
Wingnut Free Verse of the Day: "TOTAL FAKE"

Charles Johnson2/02/2013 1:47:27 pm PST

Kessler has now updated his update, with a distinct aroma of butthurt:

UPDATE: As one might expect, there is a vast divide on this, with some readers upset that we did not immediately change our ruling because the president released a photo, as we had requested in our original column. We try not to make snap judgements, but readers argued we had moved the goal posts. Well, a case could be made that we had. (See first update.)

We certainly appreciate all of the commentary we received on this column. Many readers initially were upset that we did not immediately award Pinocchios, but now a new wave of readers has condemned us for even thinking this was worthy of serious inquiry. On the last point, we respectively disagree. All statements by public figures are subject to scrutiny. The president made an unexpected claim, and for nearly a week the White House refused to back it up.

So we now have a photo, a news report quoting an anonymous source that the president participated in a Marine guard competition and a news report quoting Obama that he has practiced with the Secret Service. The issue is settled, and we award the president a Geppetto Checkmark.