
Overnight Open Thread

rightside4/28/2009 7:54:55 am PDT

re: #585 avanti

My point about taxes is this: obama wants to correct the injustice done to the poor by the rich. In his world, the only way people get rich, is by taking money from poor people. That is typical progressive/liberal thinking. Only one problem with that model. It’s static. This is not a zero sum game, whereby in order for one person to make a dollar, he must take it from another.

Now, it was glaringly obvious that this was his plan, ever since he answered Joe the plumbers question. Taking more from those who produce, and giving it to those who don’t.

So, I submit to you, since you support him, and his ideas, you must now pay more taxes. If you truly believe in that, prove it by amending your tax return, and taking zero deductions, so that you give more of your earned money to the government.

If you don’t, then why are you forcing us to do it?

Again, I await your amended tax return.