
Sunday Afternoon Short Animation: Palmipedarium

Grunthos the Flatulent 🇳🇿2/16/2014 7:02:42 pm PST

re: #47 Dark_Falcon

Missouri couple faces assault charges for shooting fast food worker with Nerf gun (VIDEO)

That sounds about right. Pranks like that are disruptive and abusive. Not worth jail time in my eyes, but a fine and some community service would remind those two not to pull this sort of thing again.

Just part of the great douchebag tradition of treating minimum wage service workers with contempt. An appropriate penalty would be to require them to work a shift clearing tables, mopping floors, and cleaning bathrooms in the same joint.

In the bowel-knotting knowledge that everyone working the shift knows why they are there.

But to be fair, they will be paid. Minimum wage of course.