
Overnight Open Thread

iossarian2/08/2011 5:53:29 am PST

Great comment over at the Guardian (lizards may remember the comment joy that accompanied Charles’s piece there a while back):

Thus our government complete the destruction of Britain and the impoverishment of the British people, begun in the 11th century by the Norman invaders, entrenched by the farce at Runnymeade, accelerated by the enclosures of the 17th and 18th centuries, endorsed by every government since 1979. The corporate raiders complete the task begun with the longboat and the axe, of transferring what little remains of our wealth to a foreign elite. Cameron is the heir of the Normans and Angevins, the Tudors and the Stuarts, and has as little allegience to our country. We must rise up and throw off the yoke of those who have oppressed us for a millenium, and now seek to strip us bare, to suck our blood. To them we are a resource to be exploited, something less than human. We need a bold and patriotic leader to overthrow the government, and to lead us into a new world of freedom.

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The article is interesting for people wanting to keep abreast of right-wing economic atrocities elsewhere in the world:

Conservatives to slash taxes on large financial organizations