
Video: Rachel Maddow and Rand Paul, Part 2

darthstar5/21/2010 7:43:56 am PDT

re: #686 Aceofwhat?

But they do. Most of the Muslim world abhors extremists, terrorism, jihad, etc. It’s just a few charismatic radicals an their influence on what appears to be a growing number of young men.

Look at the street protests in Iran, for example. Those people don’t hate America. They hate their isolationist government. Most Iraqis, despite our invasion and seven year occupation, don’t actually hate us, nor do they love terrorism (especially since they seem to be the targets of much of it).

Listen to some of our “leaders” when asked about religious and teabagger extremists here in the US…”People are upset right now.” They’re not condemning people like Roeder…they’re making excuses for them.