
Romney Says He's Not Responsible for Bain After 1999

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)7/13/2012 3:26:38 pm PDT

re: #5 wrenchwench

From the transcript:

Romney’s not responsible for the use of the wrong “reign”, but he is for the use of “Chicago-style politics” which I think is an inappropriate slur.

Near the end:

The fact that he mentions Bolton in the same breath with Baker, Kissinger, and Rice does not speak well of him. More bluntly; it shows how clueless he is.

Indeed. Bolton is his foreign policy adviser. Also worth noting is Bork is his legal adviser. These are both guys that faced internal party criticism. And yeah “Chicago style politics” is a stupid slur especially coming from someone who loves mudslinging like Mitt. He’s a desperate and clueless man.