
Biden Threatens Iran (Kidding)

MJ2/07/2009 1:52:22 pm PST

An Opening to Iran?
They’ve sold us this rug before
by Michael Rubin
Weekly Standard
February 16, 2009

During the Democratic primaries, Barack Obama promised to meet the leaders of Iran “without preconditions.” He appears a man of his word. Within days of his election, the State Department began drafting a letter to Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad intended to pave the way for face-to-face talks. Then, less than a week after taking office, Obama told al-Arabiya’s satellite network, “If countries like Iran are willing to unclench their fist, they will find an extended hand from us.” The president dispatched former Defense Secretary William Perry to engage a high-level Iranian delegation led by a senior Ahmadinejad adviser.