

jamesfirecat2/11/2010 9:55:00 am PST

re: #689 Aceofwhat?

It’s a very fair question, but it’s a different one. I was just trying to be precise (i.e. not an “ideologue”…heh) and admit that what works for our economy may not be the right prescription for, say, Benin.

I think that Eastern Europe offers a very interesting example of one way to successfully tune your previously crappy economy into a higher-peformance machine.

Lots of flat taxes over there…

I do not consider myself an expert on the entire flat tax, progressive tax thing but this goes back to a previous idea that was brought up about how the US is just flat out loosing certain jobs that aren’t likely to come back.

Do you think a flat/progressive tax lends itself better to certain economies that are designed to produced certain goods?

(IE if you’re making textiles you should have a progressive tax but if you’re making computer chips you should have a flat tax)

If so obviously this leads to what I said before, where at the moment it seems like America isn’t even sure what we make anymore or what kinds of goods our country is suited to producing…