
LGF Linkage - Now with Ajax-Based Editing

Mad Prophet Ludwig5/03/2010 8:05:36 pm PDT

re: #674

Yesterday I was watching a show, ER or something - anyhow - a prisoner was brought into the ER of this hospital, there for the THIRD time for the same thing - he had tied a piece of dental floss to a piece of metal and had inserted the metal into his urethra. The string was there to convince the doc he really had done this. He wanted a couple of days out of prison, thought he’d get a few days’ stay in the hospital. Unfortunately, I missed the end of that particular episode so I can’t tell you how it turned out.
But it was unbelievable to me.

My brother told me of a case where a fellow who worked in a machine shop liked to use a belt sander - just to brush close to, to masturbate.

He got a little too close and well… He ended up catching and tearing off his member.

Now this is bad enough, only he somehow found the member and tried to stitch it back on - rather than go to the hospital - with steel wire. Of course he was found and taken in because of blood loss. He ended up losing the part.