
Overnight Ocean Thread

iceweasel11/01/2009 2:08:32 am PST

re: #62 Bagua

And Rolling Stones? Their view of the economy and politics is hardly mainstream. They represent the freak agenda.

Let’s assume for the sake of argument that were true.

Most of (if not all of) Taibbi’s financial columns weren’t written for Rolling Stone, and did not appear there.

re: #64 Bagua

I watch this closely and the media hacks are generally out to lunch on the bigger pictures. This “mudraking” as you say is actually a witchhunt.

But yea I know, blame the Republicans, blame the Evil Bankers, have fun.

Anyone reporting on this sensibly is blaming dems as well as repubs. Like Taibbi.
I don’t even think you’ve read his financial columns at this point. If you had you’d know that. You didn’t know that they weren’t written for RS, and you didn’t know any better than to characterise him as not respected within the industry, as on a par with someone writing for the National Enquirer.

I am starting to think you’re just repeating talking points you’ve heard somewhere, or you have a reflexive pro-corporate bias for some reason.