

Charles Johnson2/11/2010 10:08:22 am PST

re: #713 Walter L. Newton

I say it does… and many others have said it does. I’ve got the code… it has inaccuracies and inefficiencies in it.

And I’m not sure what you mean by “on the fly.” Much of the code was the code that was used for the actual modeling that ended up in reports and papers.

Since you didn’t want any of the hacked email or code or other documents posted here, it’s a little hard to simply have statements made that neither of us can back up at this point.

But I know what I am looking at… do you?

Yes, Walter, I do know what I’m looking at. You’re posting comments here at LGF using software I wrote.

And I challenge you to quote one section of any part of the code that shows an actual inaccuracy.