
Not a Good Day for the GOP

That's Glenn Beck to you10/20/2009 9:57:49 am PDT

re: #61 winemaker


Rasmussen’s daily presidential poll has Obama at -12, more or less where it has been each day for a while.

This ABC/ WAPO poll has Obama at +17.

Charles, that’s a 29-point gap.

If these polls were public companies, the SEC would be knocking on their doors to investigate the obvious fraud by one, or both.

You brand is that of a scientific skeptic…yet you pass along this +17 poll without examining it? (Or Rasmussen, for that matter).

C’mon, 29 points… one (or both) of these is a FauxPoll… or a Burkett TANG memo.

You are supposed to be one of the guys who has the chops to spot these frauds. “If not Charles, then who?”


I agree.

I’d like to see the cross tabs for that survey. They need to break out these surveys for which respondents have fluoride in their water supply and which don’t. THAT would probably explain the discrepancy.