
Obama's Jobs Speech, Thread 2

lawhawk9/09/2011 7:05:00 am PDT

re: #713 ggt

I agree that some kind of accommodation should have been made for rescue personnel and those who helped with the relief and reconstruction efforts as well. Space is rather limited with all the construction ongoing, but these firefighters and police (NYPD and PAPD) gave their lives trying to save thousands of people and should have had some representatives attending even if all couldn’t. They could have made some kind of arrangement to close off part of West Street to enable rescue personnel to attend, but with the Presidents in town, they need that route to provide for his motorcade and for security personnel.

Having been in NYC and seeing the collapse and the aftermath up close and personal (walking across the Manhattan Bridge b/c everything was closed and then enduring the smell of the fires for weeks therafter), I don’t think I can bear to watch the ceremonies and events and had I been invited, I would have gladly given up my seat to someone who was more deserving.

It cuts too close to home and while I always report on this stuff and have been writing about Ground Zero pretty much since day 1, I don’t think there’s more I can add by watching this. All my writing has been cathartic and a way to deal with the horrors from that day. Focusing on the rebuilding gave me something positive to look forward to.