
Overnight Open

Charles Johnson3/29/2010 9:39:22 am PDT

re: #312 Walter L. Newton

You do have a personal partisan political agenda… and it’s far from undisclosed. I read your “manifesto” at the link you provided. You cloak your purpose with a lot of technobabble, but giving the material a full and honest reading, any of the lofty goals actually belays a narcissistic mentality, a savior complex who will “reduce the negative influence of incompetent yet nonetheless well-regarded pundits…”

While you praise the internet’s “wholesome effect on information flow,” you really belay the fact that you are not happy with the open nature of the medium and more interested in the control you can have over the information by “address(ing) certain critical issues as determined by a collective array of the most erudite and dependable bloggers in existence.”

More like a collective designed to control what you and your hive consider valid or not valid information.

My opinion.

What the hell.

I have no idea where you’re pulling this paranoid nonsense from, but it certainly has nothing to do with Barrett Brown’s project. You’ve decided on the basis of no evidence whatsoever that the project is about “controlling” information — that’s utter nonsense. Why in the world would you assume something like this about a project I’m involved in?