
CPAC Live Video 1

Scion92/26/2009 9:26:29 pm PST

re: #691 Sharmuta

You’ll have to excuse me for not having a problem with men treating their underlings with respect and morals. That the law didn’t require it of them speaks more to their nature than it speaks against it.

I agree that it does speak to their good nature. I’m just rebutting the idea that slavery is not profitable. It isn’t true. It was propaganda, and it isn’t put to any good use today.

There has been slavery all over the globe in some form or another since humans formed the earliest civilizations, and likely before that in our tribal days. In those thousands of years, those civilizations that have abandoned it have only done so out of moral compunctions, or at the threat of force by outsiders that want to spread those morals abroad.

It didn’t lose popularity because people can’t make themselves rich off of the back of human property. It failed solely because people could no longer tolerate the practice.