
Van Jones' Statement

Pianobuff9/06/2009 1:38:42 pm PDT

re: #709 Diego

No, but the trade-off is in a working wage.

If I have a burger joint I have to have so many employees for the hours I’m open. I can’t fire people when the wage goes up 25c and so maybe I raise my fries 10c. It’s called ‘inflation’ and you can’t escape it even if you never raise the wage. It’s just a part of doing business.

Otherwise, you hire whomever you can get for as little as you’re willing to pay and you don’t give a damn if they can afford to live on it or not.

Currently, you have people working 2 or 3 minimum wage jobs and barely surviving. Add to this tat they have no health care and guess who is picking up that tab? You are.

Is it not better to give them a good working wage, as well as affordable health care they can pay for out of that wage without going broke, and catching the savings off the back end?

The business owner is in the best position of knowing how this will affect their books. They may downsize, raise prices (as you point out, but there business may suffer as a result), put in more hours of his/her own time to make up the difference. There are even illegal strategies which are adopted such as paying people under the table, etc. Black market economies generally arise in such situations.

Your intentions are honorable, believe me they are. It’s just that the results don’t align with the intentions, and too often one can get the opposite of what one intended.