
Overnight Open Thread

iceweasel2/19/2010 2:17:24 am PST

re: #71 iceweasel

Right— but obviously abortion is something totally off topic, and the only bit that’s amazing is that your friend doesn’t get the total hypocrisy of rejecting good science on the one hand (AGW) and then appealing to bad science (LIFE BEGINS WITH A BEATING HEART!) on the other.

Also, it’s so bad from so many ways it’s almost too easy to attack. Does your friend reject the use of pacemakers? Why not? If the heart stops or stutters, didn’t ‘life’ stop? How about CPR? How about — oh lord.

God grant me the serenity to accept the wingnuts I cannot change,
the courage and endurance to change the wingnuts I can,
and the wisdom and patience not to beat the living hell out of them in general.