
Overnight Open Thread

Guanxi882/19/2010 8:54:37 am PST

re: #730 drcordell

I am saying that paying taxes is what keeps our government running, and therefore what keeps our entire economy running. And without the rich paying their fair share of taxes, the entire system breaks down. And then the lives of the rich get a whole, whole lot worse.

Would you want to be a millionaire driving around in Somalia? I sure wouldn’t. Political stability is the key factor in allowing an upper class to develop. Without being lynched by a pitchforked mob that is.

If you think there are enough rich people to pay the freight, you’re sadly mistaken.

Similarly, if you think this nation would dissolve into Somali-style anarchy in the absence of a heavy system of progressive taxation to fund an apparatus sufficiently powerful to keep the pitchforked mob in check, then you’re sadly mistaken.

Oh! and rich people can and do move. For now.