
Freak-Out of the Day

Cato the Elder9/02/2009 2:13:44 pm PDT

re: #715 marjoriemoon

None of those countries, Venezuela, Cuba, the Soviet Union, et al have a Constitution or Bill of Rights like ours. It’s why we’ve lasted as long as we have. I find it insane that anyone thinks a president, any president, is going to march into office and in 6 months dismantle a government that’s been standing for over 250 years.

Well, you know, Obama’s incompetent. He never did anything in the Senate, and before that he was just a community organizer. He’s a fraud and should never have been elected.

Oh, wait.

He’s a diabolical Alinskyite Manchuro-sleeper foisted on us by George Soros and he’s comin’ for your fweeedoms and your guns and your underage girlfriend. And he’s incompetent. And he lusts after the hearts and minds of your pre-schoolers.

He’s incompetent, but cunning. If anyone can destroy America, he can.

And the only one standing between us and doom is Glenn Beck, and his sobriety is looking shaky.

Laugh, but be afraid.

The power of zero.