
Overnight Open Thread

soxfan4life2/20/2009 7:22:12 am PST

re: #716 pingjockey

All we need is someone who can state conservative principles in language the unenlightened can understand. Limited gov’t, strong military, capitalistic principles.

I was thinking about that this morning. The greatest generation was raised prior to FDR and his govt. giveaway programs and as such learned to be very self sufficient out of necessity. Now we have the octuplet mom looking at million dollar homes after it was revealed they were being evicted from their existing home because they are $23,000 in arrears. Since the FDR days we have learned to become govt. dependent babies. And until we get rid of those types of programs we never will. Obama is only going for more and more and the people are trading their rights and responsibility for the chance to suckle off the govt. teat. I don’t really know if anyone can ever win an election on conservative values anymore.