
Overnight Open Thread

abaleh2/24/2009 12:49:34 am PST

re: #58 BlueCanuck

I am currently reading a book of essays by Jerry Pournelle. Published in 1978 I believe. Interesting to look at the politics of science and ranting about prehistoric moonbats. He really had a hate on for so called ecologists, enviromentalists, and President Carter. The fascinating articles are where he rips apart so-called alternative energies, like wind power, and ethanol fuels. He does it by looking at the energy output of each and with grain fuels the cost of food and energy to grow it. Sound familiar?

Personally I believe that alternative energy production methods should be sought and researched, if only to reduce the air polution around cities (not to mention return all the crackpots with oil back to goat herding economics where they would otherwise be). However, I do not understand how the environmentalists expect to both transition 100% to current renewable enegry sources, while at the same time converting all cars to electric propulsion. Unless they found some awesome electricity generation technology they’re not talking about, they’re off their rockers.