
Another Stealth Creationism Bill Dies, No One Mourns

Charles Johnson3/28/2009 6:29:12 pm PDT

re: #74 Emerald

It also raises an interesting question - just how big of a boat was that damned ark? Forget all the huge, modern animals and the room it would take to hold 40 days worth of food. How much room does it take to hold all the dinos? How much does a T. Rex eat in 40 days? It was a really brave guy who went in to clean out its cage, too.

No problem — is way ahead of you on that one:

The Bible is clear that Noah took at least two of every kind of animal on the ark (Genesis 7:2,3). Thus, since dinosaurs were animals they must have been there. But how could a 100 ton, 90 foot long Argentiniosaurus fit on the ark? Very simply. Noah could have taken a young dinosaur on the ark. They had a picture of this huge dinosaur with its eggs at Fernbank. I asked the paleontologist there how big the eggs were. She said they were less than a foot in diameter. So, even these large dinosaurs were small once and could have easily fit on the ark.

One reason people have a hard time believing this is that they have no idea how large the ark was. God designed the ark with dimensions that made it virtually impossible to capsize. According to Genesis 6:15,16 it was about 438 feet long, 73 feet wide and 44 feet high with three levels inside. That means it was about 1 football fields in length, it had about 100,000 square feet of floor space, it would hold 533 railroad stock cars and it had a volume of 1,396,000 cubic feet.

Thus, the ark was a massive barge large enough to haul its intended cargo. Geologist and biologist John Woodmorappe spent twenty years in intensive research into creation and the Flood and produced the book, “Noah’s Ark: A Feasibility Study” with over 22 pages of references. In it he calculates that there were less than 20,000 animals on the ark with the average size being smaller than a sheep. He thoroughly demonstrates the feasibility of eight people taking care of the animals, food and water requirements, waste management, etc.

In Genesis 6:20 the Bible states that representative “kinds” of animals went on the ark. Therefore, although there are many different types of cats in the world, creationists point out that there may have been only one or two “kinds” originally. Likewise, there are over 600 different names of dinosaurs. But there are probably less than 50 different kinds. Every time a new dinosaur bone is found it seems to be given a different name. At Fernbank, for example, there is one foot bone of a dinosaur and it is named “Albertosaurus.” That is, many dinosaur names are the same for the same creature.

Oh ye of little faith.