
Holder to Appoint Prosecutor for CIA Terror Investigations

Charles Johnson8/24/2009 12:02:24 pm PDT

re: #64 lightspeed

Sorry, but it’s pretend. The interrogators were acting. When it comes to extracting information to save American lives, i don’t care what you tell the guy. We are talking about life and death here and if you can put the fear of Allah into a guy by telling him something terrible will happen if he doesn’t talk, why wouldn’t you? I don’t see any moral problem, as long as there is no actual intention to carry out said threat. Are we becoming a nation of crybabies? Oooh, let’s not make the bad man think scary thoughts.

Bullshit. There’s a whole lot you can do to interrogate even a hardened Al Qaeda terrorist without descending to the level of threatening the lives of children.