
Religion = Politics at BeckFest 2010

Walter L. Newton8/29/2010 10:50:15 am PDT

re: #745 Obdicut

Heh. Can you try to explain why you think liturgical language is what defines ‘Beckian’, rather than the actual content of what he says? Because I’m really at a loss as to why you think MLK sounds ‘Beckian’. Apparently every religious figure in the world is Beckian, to you. So I’m wondering why you’ve perceived the criticism of Beck in such a very, very narrow way.

Or is that going to make you sleepy?

I am saying the the content does not have as much to do as the intent does. Beck’s language yesterday, his rhetoric, was very much in the mold of the sort of preaching you hear/have heard from many preachers through history, including MLK.

My simple point was I don’t think you can define “Religious Right” by the words that come out of their mouth, so much as how they use those words, and their intent behind them.

I’ve sat in many churches, with conservative right leaning congregants and heard similar liturgical language (it’s a group speak, a way to recognize other believers) and these were not the kind of people who would think of attending a Beck rally, or watching Pat Robertson.

That’s all my point was.