
Overnight Open Thread

J.D.2/15/2009 7:31:53 am PST

re: #736 MandyManners

That is preposterous! Could she talk with a real estate attorney? Many attorneys offer an intiial consultation for free or at a reduced rate.

That’s an idea. Thanks.
I said she needs to be on television with that story.

My mother says she should call Obama.

No. I mean it.

I guess she saw some of this:

…To be sure, the present state of the economy is an “event,” and has blown many governments around the world off course. But again: The hideous drooling blob of toxic pustules dignified as the “stimulus” bill is something the incoming Obama had months to prepare for and oodles of bipartisan goodwill and fawning press coverage to waft him along on. Instead, he choseto outsource it to Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Barney Frank and the rest of the congressional pork barons. So that, too, is not an “event” but merely, like his Cabinet picks, a matter of judgment and executive competence.

Not to matter. When the going gets tough, the tough go campaigning. So, almost as if he were still running for office rather than actually running an office, the president arranges a photo-op or a town-hall meeting, where, for the moment, the hopeychangey shtick still plays. “I have an urgent need,” a freeborn citizen of the republic (I use the term loosely) beseeched the president in Fort Myers last week. “We need a home, our own kitchen, our own bathroom.”

As Michelle Malkin commented, “If she had more time, she probably would have remembered to ask Obama to fill up her gas tank, too.” He took her name – Henrietta Hughes – and ordered his staff to meet with her. Hopefully, he won’t insult her by dispatching some no-name deputy assistant associate secretary of whatever instead of flying in one of the big time tax-avoiding Cabinet honchos to nationalize a Florida bank and convert one of its branches into a desirable family residence, with a swing set hanging where the drive-thru ATM used to be.

Still, the audience loved it. “Yes!” they yelped, and “Amen!,” and even “Gracious God, thank you so much!” In the words of Bob Hope, “Leave your name with the girl, and we may get to you for some crowd scenes.” Ah, but eventually the hosannahs fade, and the Community-Organizer-in-Chief has to return to Washington to attend to the drearier chores of being president. The “Buy American” provisions in the “stimulus” will invite certain retaliation around the world, wrote Jagdish Bhagwati, the Columbia economics professor, in The New York Times. This is presumably the same Jagdish Bhagwati who reassured a Toronto audience last year that he was endorsing Obama despite the senator’s anti-NAFTA anti-free-trade rhetoric because he didn’t think Obama really believed it. Today it’s even less clear what, if anything, Obama believes – and, even more critically, whether he has the wit or authority to impose those beliefs on a Congress whose operating procedure for the new era seems to be business as usual with three extra zeros on the end. …

Mark Steyn: So far, it’s been Obamateur Hour
The new president has been tripping himself up, rather than being blown off course by events.