
Midday Open Thread

RogueOne3/18/2010 3:16:34 pm PDT

re: #721 Shiplord Kirel

The south has really always had the advantage militarily, at least since the armistice in 1953. This long-running propaganda about the Norks’ invincible million man army is just that: propaganda. I even suspect that this trope was borrowed to inflate the reputation of Saddam’s invincible million man army before the Persian Gulf war.

The RoK (southern) army is, and has long been, one of the best trained in the world. They are at least a generation ahead of the Norks in equipment, more than that in some cases, and they have had more than 50 years to fortify the Uijongbu corridor from the DMZ to Seoul.
Another frequent theme is the alleged ease with which Nork artillery could “flatten Seoul.” In fact, most of their artillery is of WW2 vintage and the very longest ranged pieces could only reach the northern suburbs of Seoul even in the unlikely event that they were dragged right up to the edge of the DMZ (by horse teams perhaps?).

Finally, the RoK army is actually the larger of the two if trained and organized reserves are included.

I have bad news, it’s not a myth. N. Korea is scary. When I went through my Basic Officers Course at Ft. Huachuca (best base ever btw) they held some of our classes in secure areas. Searched going in, searched going out, and built so no sound was able to escape the building. The only briefing I ever had in that building that actually had me concerned was one on N. Korea.