
Report: Pakistani Arrested in Times Square Attack

lawhawk5/04/2010 9:29:26 am PDT


Whoa nelly about all the suppositions on your part about my knowledge and understanding of Somalia, Chechnya or even NYC and Ground Zero. 9/11 destroyed more than 10 million sf of office space, major subway lines, PATH, communications hubs, radio/tv transmission lines, in addition to murdering nearly 3,000 people.

That it is still being rebuilt all these years later has as much to do with the politics of rebuilding the site as anything else - because the building was govt owned, but leased to a private entity; the complexity of rebuilding at that particular site with operating subway/PATH, and what to actually rebuild there.

The damaged portion of the Pentagon was rebuilt within a year and a memorial. None of the others you mention were damaged nearly as extensively as the collapse of the WTC and damage to surrounding facilities and infrastructure.

AQ’s lust to carry out more attacks against the US hasn’t been satiated by 9/11 - and as long as we’re taking the fight to AQ leadership, their minions, and all others, their capabilities are reduced. We just can’t hold the line by fighting AQ with law enforcement tactics alone.