
Jon Stewart on the One Constitutional Amendment Fox News Will Defend

Broad With Sass4/25/2013 11:00:28 pm PDT

re: #63 PT Barnum

Unwanted care is a huge issue in end of life care. If we can’t sustain life at a certain level of quality, we should give people the opportunity to vote for quality over quantity.

My husband did just that, he voted quality because he knew the quantity was going to just make the quality worse.

He did a few rounds of chemo (to say he tried) and then we just kept him home, well medicated (good docs who agreed & cheerfully wrote scripts), no hospice and stoned as could be.

His cancer was very aggressive, but until the last day when he had to go to the hospital, he was happy(considering the circumstances), lucid and able to celebrate his life with each breath.

I have no regrets about supporting his choices, since I knew we were in a no win situation.