
Overnight Open Thread

Athens Runaway4/03/2010 1:46:02 am PDT

re: #72 Conservative Moonbat

I guess you don’t read DailyKos then?

There’s been a lot of bitching about this. I fully expect Kuchinich to run a primary challenge against Obama in 2012.

I have no idea what universe you’re living in, if you “fully expect” the guy who changed his “no” vote on HCR to a “yes” in exchange for a ride on Air Force One… to primary against the guy who successfully convinced him to change his vote.

Kuchinich was proof that every man has his price, and that HCR was an acceptably large step towards Dennis’s stated dream of single-payer care.

All Obama would have to do to get him to drop his primary challenge would be to take him on another little jaunt on AF1.