
Overnight Open Thread

yma o hyd6/22/2009 8:09:47 am PDT

re: #725 J.S.

Did you catch David Frum’s column “More than just terrorism and pistachio nuts”? (Frum mentioned Rafsanjani — as being one of the most despised men in Iran.)

No, I didn’t, sorry.

To be sure, Rafsanjani is not the flavour of the month in iran - but he is one of the most powerful Ayatollahs, with a huge clan. His children were arrested, the daughter is free now, because they worked for Mousavi.

If someone can get Khamenei to retreat (if not worse) then its Rafsanjani.
That is why people are tweeteing about him alledgedly being in Qum, to confer with the other Ayatollas, especially Grand Ayatollah Montazeri, who has condemned the electionf raud - twice now!