
Kook Lies About 'Lies'

Charles Johnson3/30/2009 11:15:23 am PDT

If you have an account at the Washington Times, please go use their feature to mark that comment as offensive. It’s here: Washington Times - BREITBART: Online activists on the right, unite!

By: smallgovt
We call them Mobys on line, pretty easy to spot. What’s different on the right is that other conseravtives bash them, not join them as happens on the left.

Unless you’re on Little Green Footballs - Charles Johnson only allows the echo-chamber posters on his site. But he’s not a conservative, but rather a leftist plant designed to split fiscal conservatives from social conservatives, water down the GOP vote. Good scam tho…

Stick with Powerline, or here at the WaTimes.

March 30, 2009 at 1:46 p.m. %P% Mark as Offensive