
Glenn Beck Does the Rockefeller Boogie

Birth Control Works9/02/2009 10:58:55 pm PDT

re: #766 Desert Dog

One more before bed…

My point was that IMHO, this country has moved very far on the matters of race relations. I get the feeling from your post that you do not feel this way. I can only speak for myself and what I see. I think we are getting closer everyday to being a truly colorblind society. Are we there yet? No. Will we ever get there? I think so…and sooner than you would think too.

We have some narrow minded hate filled people out there still obsessing over race. I hope they let it go of that one day. We are really all just human beings when you strip away the exteriors, not white or black or brown.

The MSM has found that race baiting is good for business. We’ve seen more than enough examples —the recent gun-toting nutjob thread being what comes to mind. I live in a very ethnically mixed community and I don’t see half of what is report by inuendo in the MSM. I see friends, neighbors and co-workers —doing what friends, neighbors and co-workers do—together.