
Seth Meyers Attic Sessions: Trump Ignored Coronavirus Warnings; Pence Refused to Wear a Mask

The GOP is a Terrorist Organization4/30/2020 1:57:03 am PDT

re: #43 Joe Bacon 🌹

I’m looking at that map and based on the data I’m looking at I’d move Iowa to leaning Biden. I also can see Alaska, Montana and Kansas (!) as tossups based on how the Republicans fucked up at the state level especially in Kansas and Alaska!

Kansas elected a Dem Gov in ‘18, and have had others in recent years. If the swing away from the GOP (that basically started the day Trump was sworn in) continues, it might just be in play.

I’m thinking this election could be like 1980, when a lot of people were looking for a reason to vote against Carter, but really weren’t sure about Reagan. Then there was that one debate about a week before the election and Reagan looked at the camera and said, “Are you better off…?” and that did it. Too early to really speculate, but now with the economy cratering and 2000 people dying every day and it’s becoming crystal clear every day that this level of death was completely avoidable had Trump not been so fucking stupid…what the fuck can he run on?