
Overnight Open Thread

iceweasel2/19/2010 2:35:50 am PST

Rwanda is instructive in many ways. Not only for the failure of the UN (and US) to act, not only for what happened there— but also, I’ve pointed a lot of people who adhered to carol gilligan’s (and others) notion of a ‘female ethic’ to the behaviour of Pauline Nyiramasuhuko.

More from wiki:

Pauline Nyiramasuhuko is an ex-minister for family and women’s affairs in Rwanda who is suspected of having incited troops and militia to rape thousands of women. In particular she is credited with having orchestrated a trap in the village of Butare, where she promised besieged residents food and shelter in a local stadium; upon their arrival refugees were raped, tortured, and killed (Zimbardo 2007, p. 13). Nyiramasuhuko is said to have told militiamen “before you kill the women, you need to rape them” (Zimbardo 2007, p. 13). In this incident Nyiramasuhuko allegedly ordered that a group of 70 women and girls be raped and then set afire (Zimbardo 2007, p. 13). She and her son are currently on trial by the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda.

Notice that her office was “family and women’s affairs”.

A genocidal version of Atwood’s Handmaid’s Tale.