
IDF Kills Giant Jew-Eating Rabbit

BeerDrinking_VictoryMonkey1/07/2009 12:34:24 pm PST

re: #772 hazzyday

My common situation was the gay guy that wanted to know me, took the opportunity of taking a shower and then walking into the common area where I was watching TV. the towel accidentally fell off. And then came a few suggestive words. Innocent enough but enough to let me know what he wanted. I politely excused myself and that was the end of it.

My time in the military was rife with the word “fag” etc. conversation was so littered with gay profanity one would think everyone in the military was gay. I started to think every cigar smoking profanity laced sgt. was just trying to substitute for his inner desires. to this day I still think anyone smoking a cigar is just substituting for what they really want to do.

Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.