
Overnight Open Thread

Killgore Trout12/26/2011 8:32:08 am PST

More Occupiers on Iranian state TV: ‘US elite victimizing 99 percent’

An interview with Paul Sheldon Foote, professor of California State University

This guy is a real piece of work…
Press TV anti-Semitic commentator: Paul Sheldon Foote

There is a very long history of the successful use of the Crypto-Jew technique. Jews have pretended to convert from Judaism to Christianity and to Islam…Currently, Crypto-Jews, Jews, Christian Zionists, Zionists, neo-conservatives (neo-Trotskyites), and others are attempting to convince Christians to hate Muslims. How many Christian soldiers have died in Iraq and in Afghanistan to advance the sick, totalitarian dreams of the admirers of Trotsky?