
Paul Ryan, the Pick of Fear

sagehen8/11/2012 10:50:39 am PDT

re: #20 BryanS

I’m sure you’re right that Dems are happy about the selection. Democrats were also very pleased when Reagan was the nominee for the 1980 election. But this selection makes the election about important budget and fiscal issues rather than whether Romney killed some lady with cancer, spends too much on his horse, or mistreats his dog. If the GOP has such a bad platform, then you should be happy that Romney is going to actually run on it. Whoever wins, so be it. That’s what elections are for.

This election is about “should Medicare pay for seniors’ medical needs, or should we pass out vouchers to the elderly to go buy insurance in the private market? Should Social Security keep working as is, or would you rather have compulsory stock market investing?”

When you put it this way, it’s hard to see how the Right is going to pull anything even vaguely close to a majority. Even against the black guy.