
Arizona Rep. Giffords Shot, Several Others Killed

jamesfirecat1/08/2011 3:10:31 pm PST

re: #793 SFGoth

Isn’t “right wing libertarian” a contradiction in terms? None of the right wingers I know approve of my marijuana usage or my pro-choice stance. It’s like saying “left wing libertarian” — what, a leftie who supports the 2nd amendment and limited government?

Maybe things are a little more complex than many of you have time to consider before posting. I routinely argue with both lefties and righties that Hitler cannot be pigeonholed as either left or right. But nooo, both sides seize on something (such as “Nazi = national SOCIALIST!!!” or he was an authoritarian dictator; so was Stalin) when simple labels don’t apply.

Go watch football and let the facts play out. As William Shatner said, get a life. (I don’t mean to trivialize the shooting and deaths, but this obsession isn’t getting anywhere.)

A right wing liberterian is someone who wants to shut down all forms of government control or at least most of them this makes them appear to be “socially liberal” because they want marijuana and abortion legalized simply because they don’t want to give the government any power.

Liberterians are what you get when you take conservative small government rethoric to its “logical” extreme and disregard the socons who have a choke hold on what it means to be “conservative” today…