
Posner on Sotomayor

Charles Johnson5/26/2009 3:35:50 pm PDT

re: #805 Sosigado

Now that’s really putting lipstick on the proverbial pig. She’s a counter-Constitutionalist, pure and simple. She’s also a pretty poor jurist, to boot. I guess that if you feel that The Constitution is a tired, old document written by a bunch of tired, old, irrelevant white guys, then Sotomayor is the ideal pick. The social reengineering of America begins in earnest, starting today.

That’s nonsense. A direct quote:

At a Senate hearing in 1997 before she was confirmed to the appeals court, Sotomayor was asked by then-Sen. John Ashcroft, R-Mo., whether she would “read additional rights into the Constitution” such as a right to homosexual conduct by a prisoner.

“I cannot do it,” she replied. “The Constitution is what it is. We cannot read rights into them. They have been created for us.”