
Report: Pakistani Arrested in Times Square Attack

PAUL_MACDONALD5/04/2010 9:47:31 am PDT

re: #759 lawhawk

Whoa nelly about all the suppositions on your part about my knowledge and understanding of Somalia, Chechnya or even NYC and Ground Zero. 9/11 destroyed more than 10 million sf of office space, major subway lines, PATH, communications hubs, radio/tv transmission lines, in addition to murdering nearly 3,000 people.

Yet, somehow, everything else is up and running whole no progress has been made on putting anything up on what is some of the most valuable Real Estate on the planet. Pearl Harbor wasn’t walled off because the Arizona is a gravesite. It’s still a functioning Naval base.

That it is still being rebuilt all these years later has as much to do with the politics of rebuilding the site as anything else - because the building was govt owned, but leased to a private entity; the complexity of rebuilding at that particular site with operating subway/PATH, and what to actually rebuild there.

And yet, it’s going to be over a decade since the debris was cleared before anything starts to happen. That’s how they win, you know. Their whole shtick is mental. You walk by and you see a tragedy instead of rebirth. Fuels the paranoia.

The damaged portion of the Pentagon was rebuilt within a year and a memorial. None of the others you mention were damaged nearly as extensively as the collapse of the WTC and damage to surrounding facilities and infrastructure.

Doesn’t matter. They built the original World Trade complex in record time and can do so again if they put their mind to it. If you are saying the surrounding infrastructure is still badly damaged then I put it to you that those in charge of development of the site are incompetent. Can’t turn soil yet?

AQ’s lust to carry out more attacks against the US hasn’t been satiated by 9/11 - and as long as we’re taking the fight to AQ leadership, their minions, and all others, their capabilities are reduced. We just can’t hold the line by fighting AQ with law enforcement tactics alone.

No, you can’t hold the line with law enforcement. The problem is that the USA does not have the stomach to do what must be done. Insurgencies do not function without the aid of an actual financial backer. In this case, it’s Iran and Pakistan. What you have to ask yourself is this: is the extension of the war to two other countries worth the inevitable price? My answer to that is “no”.

My lust to bed multiple supermodels at once will never be satiated. I wonder why it is that I am constantly unsuccessful in my supermodel bedding attempts? Perhaps it’s because I don’t have the money, time or location to bed these supermodels. Sure want to, though. Desire to do something does not make it real. Not to Godwin the thread, but the Phantom Armies of Hitler didn’t save Berlin from the Red Army.