
And Now, a Tender Moment of Self-Beclownment Brought to You by TruthRevolt

CuriousLurker1/03/2015 4:27:29 pm PST

re: #76 jaunte

I’m absolutely convinced those last two things are B.S. If the GOP wanted to build “a lasting relationship with the African American community year-round, based on mutual respect and with a spirit of caring” then they probably should’ve refrained from the constant disrespect towards our first black POTUS and First Lady.

As for Jews and being pro-Israel, the mask is starting to slip on that count too. There is a frightening level of hatred towards Jews with some on the Christian far right. I was shocked at the vitriol spewed at the Weinsteins because of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation—not just Mikey, but his wife, kids, etc.

They’d be talking about peace & love & Jesus one minute, then fantasizing about all manner of horrible things they’d like to see their God/Jesus do to the entire family. Nothing was too foul for them. It was… it could’ve easily been coming from the lips of a Neo-Nazi. It was unsettling, to say the least.

It probably won’t come as a surprise that there was also a lot of Islamophobia included. Many of the ranters seemed to think the Jews are somehow in league with commies & Muslims (to help them take over the world).

This seething hatred and the ridiculous claims of white/Christian persecution are a malignant thread that runs through everything.