
Donald Trump Denies the Existence of the "Alt-Right"

Jay C8/25/2016 8:56:26 pm PDT

re: #70 Barefoot Grin

I have no problem with Daniel Day-Lewis’s take. Reedy, high-pitched, but commanding, I thought he matched what had been described by Lincoln’s contemporaries.

Wikipedia used to have some recordings on their bio pages for various Presidents (not sure why they’re no longer there(?)) the earliest one they had was, IIRC, Benjamin Harrison (1889-1893) - though the recording may not have been from his tenure.

An odd one, though, was Teddy Roosevelt. I guess I was expecting the usual actors-interpretation of old TR, gruff and growly, but his voice was more of a tenor than a baritone, and with a weird accent almost exactly like his cousin Franklin: I guess the old-timey upper-crust New York speech pattern, now gone…