
Overnight Open Thread

Jack Burton in Mactified Forshion3/27/2009 11:48:23 pm PDT

re: #58 Neo Con since 9-11

I’ll go you one step further, I think we should produce so much oil on American soil and reduce our consumption that they starve to death (Sorry if this gets deleted) but turning on America all the lights only helps Saudi Arabia

How much residential electricity in the US comes from burning middle eastern (or any regional origin for that matter) petroleum rather than coal, nuclear, hydroelectric, and natural gas? I could be wrong, but I’d be amazed if its more than a single digit percent. You want to impoverish Saudi Arabia, stop driving and flying.

I just checked, its 1.6% Petroleum. I know natural gas comes from oil deposits but the same DoE site says all our natural gas comes from the United States and Canada. You aren’t funding terrorists by accidentally leaving a light on.