
A Scintillating Friday Evening Open Thread

Macker8/14/2009 9:00:37 pm PDT

re: #696 I am smarter than you

Geometry offers a great promise for Feminist Mathematics. Take tangents.

You have a line intersecting a circle and sharing a single point in space. The line (obviously the “male”) does not attempt to bisect or otherwise shape-rape the circle (obviously the “female”). Instead, there is a platonic intersection at a single point which neither can claim as an exclusive domain.

Tangents offer a model from which all of mathematics can be recast.

However, I feel strongly that the semiologist community should be engaged to purge the name “tangent” of the word “gent”. Again, phallocentrism stains the sheets, as it were.

Now, for your next dissertation, please apply this to superstring theory and prove the feasibility of FTL.