
Atlas Shrugs Promotes Neo-Nazi British National Party

SixDegrees4/20/2009 4:27:16 pm PDT

re: #786 Engnrman

You are either a conservative or you are not

If being a Conservative means being a crazed conspiracy theorist, a neo-Nazi, or a theocrat trying to ram their own particular distortion of religion down the throats of everyone in the country, including children - to take your first three exemplars in order - then count me out.

Last I heard, Conservatives were interested in small, limited government that didn’t stick their nose into anyone else’s business to the greatest extent possible. Conservatives believe in creating an environment where everyone is able to live their own lives according to their own beliefs, with minimal constraints imposed by government.

If you don’t see Beck, Geller and Limbaugh pouring gasoline on every one of these concepts and setting them afire in their zeal to promote themselves and their own particular ideology, you need to go sit by yourself for a while, out of reach of blogs, talk radio and anything published by these freaks, and ponder what Conservatism is really about.