
Our Friends the Saudis

mrseener1/14/2009 12:13:41 pm PST

782 CapeCoddah

I am serious. Why not? How do we decide what is too young?

Sounds like an argument a pedophile would make.

It’s a question, not an argument.

784 Oh no…Sand People!

Do you have children?

I, in fact, happen to have a 10 year old daughter, two other daughters ages 8 and 5 and a 6 year old son.

I’m not sure why some of you seem to think I’m saying/implying 10 years old is old enough. I’m not, and I don’t think rondeldon was saying that either. But it’s a discussion I’ve had with several people. How/who/what decides when is the appropriate for sex/marriage/children? In “Western” society, it’s becoming acceptable for 18 year olds to have sex no problem, but that’s creeping downwards. Hardly anyone bats an eye anymore about 17 or 16 year old sex. Most people think it’s too young for marriage and children. But how do people decide.

For myself and my family, my girls won’t even start dating until they’re about 19 or 20, and then only with the aim of finding a husband.