
Overnight Open Thread

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)1/25/2010 10:48:39 am PST

re: #802 garhighway

My second guess is that a piece of principled legislation would come out, irritate voters for various irrational reasons, or because it caused short-term hardship. At this point a lot of unprincipled demagogues would run, beat the incumbents and re-introduce the do-nothing status quo.

I personally don’t believe that at a meta- level world, nation, state, and often local politics follow any sort of rationality. It’s bands of screaming monkeys flinging poo at each other as they fight for priority in the tribe, or for access to the waterhole and banana trees. And which band of monkeys is currently “in charge” doesn’t make that much difference, it’s still a band of screaming monkey. (I guess the follow up question is that if you had enough of them, and enough typewriters, could they eventually come up with a workable health reform bill?)