
Next-Level Vocals: Michael Mayo, "20/20"

ericblair8/24/2020 2:07:30 am PDT

re: #35 ckkatz


I agree with your sentiments on the Conways.

I have never met any of the Conway family. However, based upon her professional and public activity, I detest Kellyanne Conway. And I hope that she does jail time.

But I dont agree with the folks who are trying to push buttons on a 15 year old girl in order to shiv her parents.

I see a bunch of humans not a bunch of memes and stereotypes.

Girls often go through a developmental stage in their mid-to-late teens where they begin to separate from their parents on the road to becoming an individual. It often involves a lot of drama from the teen. Who is trying to work out in her own mind what is going on. And it usually ages the parents of that teen a good bit.

Attempting to use a 15 year old girl, in order to destroy she and her family, for oneā€™s own political purposes strikes me as sociopathic. And socially irredeemable.

Iā€™ve got teenage girls around that age. Their Tiktok and Instagram are full of BLM, cop shootings, kids in cages on the border, Trumpā€™s sexual assaults. They know the news as soon as we do. Itā€™s not the same world as when we were kids. And, of course, they can smell out hypocrisy a mile away. We roll our eyes at it because weā€™re used to it, but they donā€™t.

I have no idea whatā€™s going on in the Conway family, and definitely the girl doesnā€™t need online randos telling her what to do.